Languages supported by Share EclipseCrossword

Share EclipseCrossword supports all of the same languages that the EclipseCrossword app was designed to work with: English, and other Western European languages such as Finnish, French, German, Irish, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish, and Swedish. A few languages that EclipseCrossword wasn’t originally designed for won’t work correctly in Share EclipseCrossword.

Buttons and text in Share EclipseCrossword (Across, Down, Solve, etc.) can appear in English, Catalan, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Javanese (Latin alphabet), Portuguese, or Spanish. You can choose which language to use for those when you upload your puzzle.

Get in touch with us if you’d like to help us translate more!

Languages that aren’t supported yet

If you’ve used these EclipseCrossword options on the Language tab, your puzzles won’t work in Share EclipseCrossword:

Found a puzzle that didn’t upload properly?

We’re working to support a wider array of languages in the future. If you have an example of a crossword that works in the EclipseCrossword app but didn’t work when you shared it on Share EclipseCrossword, and wouldn’t mind sharing it with us, please get in touch!