How to share a crossword

Share EclipseCrossword lets you share a crossword puzzle in just a few seconds. Here’s how to do it.

Step 1—Create or find your crossword puzzle

You need to have a crossword puzzle made before you can share it.

Step 2—Upload it

It might be helpful to open the Share EclipseCrossword upload page in a new tab so that you can flip back and forth.

How to find the upload page again in the future

On the upload page, click Choose crossword file and then locate the crossword file that you saved in EclipseCrossword. You can also just drag-and-drop the file directly onto the button.

Then, you’ll need to read and agree to the Terms of Use. Check the box once you have, and then click Upload and share.

Step 3—Ready to share

Share EclipseCrossword will check your puzzle and then share it around the world—it’ll just take a couple of seconds.

Once that’s done, you’ll see a screen with a link to your new puzzle that you can share with anyone right away!

Once you leave the page you won’t be able to get that link again. If you lose it, you’ll need to upload another copy.