Using two or more word lists in a single puzzle

You can use any number of word lists in a single puzzle. If any of the word lists contains the same word as another word list in the same puzzle, EclipseCrossword will use the clue from the first word list you opened, and ignore the second clue.

  1. First, start the EclipseCrossword app. (How do I do that?) From the EclipseCrossword main page (in the EclipseCrossword app, not the website), click I would like to start a new crossword and then Next.
  2. Click Let me create a word list from scratch now and then click Next.
  3. Now you’re at the page where you can add words to your word list. From here, click the Tools button, and then Open word list.
  4. Choose the first word list you’d like to use and click Open.
  5. Click Tools again, and then Open word list again.
  6. Choose the second word list you’d like to use and click Open.
  7. EclipseCrossword will merge the second word list into the one you’re using. You can repeat steps 5 and 6 as many times as you’d like to add more word lists to your puzzle. When you click Next, you can save your big, combined word list as a new word list file if you’d like.
Tools button and Open word list command
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